We are using Teams as our communication platform because it is:
- Included in Cornell’s Microsoft license so it is free to us and you
- Available on all common mobile and desktop environments
- Access is controlled by NetID via Cornell login
- Lets us send broadcast and direct messages from the same platform
- You can make voice and video calls with screen sharing
- More convenient than email
Please use Teams channels to report outages, check for known issues, or to ask questions. Use the chat feature to send us direct messages. You can also video call us if you need remote assistance.
Please download the Microsoft Teams app now, and join the Chemistry Shared Facilities team using code l5kbex8 (the first character is a lower case “L”, not a capital “i”). If you run into any issues, talk to us before you go to your departmental IT staff. If you are unable or unwilling to use Teams, please share your concerns with us.