MS Instrumentation

The Chemistry Mass Spectrometry facility provides open-access and full service analysis for small molecules and synthetic polymers. We have two open-access instruments: A Thermo GC-Exactive GC-MS, and a Thermo Exactive with a Direct Analysis in Real-Time (DART) ion source.

  • If you are looking to get HRMS data for publications, you should start by getting trained on the DART.
  • The GCMS is probably a better choice if you need to identify/quantify diastereomers, hydrocarbons, or individual components in complex mixtures. The GC-Orbitrap is very easy to use but requires much more care in sample preparation compared to the DART. Please find/message/email Ivan to discuss your specific needs. If you are following an established protocol, please include that when you contact us.
  • If you have a small polymer with heteroatoms or very polar analytes like sugars or small peptides, ask us about access to an ESI source.
  • If you are interested in proteins, please contact Cornell Biotech‘s Proteomics and Metabolomics Core Facility.
  • If you are unsure about any of the above, get in touch and we will help you figure it out.