CHEM 6250

Info for students in CHEM 6250.


You can get a copy of the NMR processing software MNova by following the instructions for processing NMR data.

Help with questions

This isn't an easy class and there is a lot of ground to cover in not a lot of time. Prior experience tells me that most of you are going to be lost at one point or (and?) another. Lucky for you, Frank and I love NMR so we are genuinely happy to answer any questions you may have about labs, lectures and assignments! Think about how you would feel if somebody asked you about your favorite hobby/book/film/song etc. As I always say, the biggest risk you run asking an NMR person an NMR question is that you are going to get an ANSWER.

If you want my help with anything:

  1. Stop by my office in Baker B-54.
  2. Send me a Zoom/Teams/Meets link, I’ll join on if I can.
  3. I created a private channel for the class on Teams where you can ask and answer questions about the material. Remember to enable notifications.

Lab Info

If you want to participate in the optional but recommended labs:

  1. Please fill in this form.
  2. If you are not a current user of the NMR facility, please complete the training. NOTE: Please enter chem6250 as your "Research Group" and "Billing account for NMR charges" when you take the quiz.

Each lab session will take about 90 minutes and we aim for 3-5 sessions for the semester. There will be no labs during breaks. I will update this page when I have specific dates scheduled.

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